
Transparent Pricing

There are no hidden fees, surcharges, or up charges — everything is included. With DevPanel, you pay a flat monthly fee for the use of our platform (the dashboard/control panel), and you pay your hosting company separately for hosting your sites. Unlike other platforms, there’s no middleman between you and your cloud provider – you don’t pay a markup on hosting fees. With fixed size infra, you pay a fixed monthly feed to your cloud provider. With auto-scaling infrastructure, and you pay only for the resources you use. Your organization may prefer one over the other depending on how your budgeting works. Regardless, many users save up to 80% on their hosting costs by switching to DevPanel.

Business Plan

Starting at


Custom configuration
  • Support

  • Community Support
    Get support over Slack from other users and support staff. Perfect for developers.
  • Standard Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for urgent issues. Standard business hours for everything else.
  • Premium Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for all issues. Work with developers directly.
  • SLA Custom Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for all issues. Dedicated support contacts. SLA for regulatory compliance.
  • Platform

  • Unlimited hits
    Don't worry about the number of hits to your website. We want you to get more hits.
  • Unlimited storage
    Pay for what you use. Start small and increase your storage as needed.
  • Unlimited Applications
    Create and manage as many applications and websites as you want.
  • Unlimited Unique Visitors
    Never worry about your hosting costs going up based on the number of visitors to your site. We want you to have more visitors.
  • Unlimited Pageviews
    Who doesn't like more pageviews.
  • Unlmtd Production Sites
    Create as many live sites as you like. Only the size of your infra limits the number and size of your sites.
  • Unlmtd Dev, Test, Stage
    Spin up as many dev, test and staging environments as you need. Only the size of your infra limits the number and size of your sites.
  • Unlmtd 3rd Party Tools
    Integrate with any and all 3rd party tools. There's no premium to pay.
  • Unlmtd Integrations
    Create and manage as many applications and websites as you want.
  • Single Node Cluster
    ONE node (server) cluster. Great for a few non mission critical sites.
  • Fixed Size Infra.
    Fix the number of nodes (servers) in your cluster. Ensures a fixed monthly hosting bill.
  • Auto-Scaling Infra.
    Change the number of nodes (servers) in your cluster dynamically based on traffic and load. Increases availability, prevents crashes, and saves costs.
  • Custom Infrastructure
    For larger sites, fleet of sites, and sites with many integrations or compliance requirements.
  • Development and Production Environments

  • Cloud Based Dev Envs.
    Instant one-click development environments in the cloud with all the tools. No headaches of dealing with local dev environments.
  • Browser based dev tools
    Composer, Drush, WP-CLI, PhpMyAdmin, Code Server, etc. All are pre-installed and pre-configured in every cloud dev environment.
  • Cloud IDE included free
    Full VS Code IDE in a browser so you don't need a local dev environment. Great for pair programming. Super easy to switch projects.
  • VS Code (browser based)
    Full VS Code IDE in a browser so you don't need a local dev environment. Great for pair programming. Super easy to switch projects.
  • Teams and Collaborators
    Invite other developers, contractors and clients to collaborate on projects. Grant and revoke access with a few clicks. No SSH Keys to manage.
  • Multidev Cloud Env
    Have multiple developers work on each project. Each developer can create their own environment or multiple developers can work on pre-defined branches.
  • Central Dashboard
    Single pane of glass for all your work. Manage projects, branches, applications and deployments all from one dashboard.
  • Isolated Workspaces
    Works with your git provider. No need to change how your code is currently managed.
  • Git Integration
    Works with your git provider. No need to change how your code is currently managed.
  • CI/CD Pipelines
    Use the built-in deployment automation or integrate with your own deployment tools.
  • Integrated Composer
    Composer2 and even Composer1 are pre-installed in every dev environment.
  • Quick Start Templates
    Use pre-built templates and distros or create your own to use as starting points for future projects.
  • PhpMyAdmin (for MySQL)
    Manage your database straight from the browser.
  • Security Controls
    Lock and unlock your site with a few clicks. Prevent search bots and others from viewing your dev site without the proper credentials.
  • Auto URL
    Each dev, test, stage, prod site gets a randomly generated obfuscated URL that can be shared with your team for them to preview the site.
  • Auto SSL (LetsEncrypt)
    Get Free LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates with a few clicks. DevPanel automatically renews them for you.
  • Custom Domains
    Attach custom domains to any application (eg: dev, test, stage, etc.) - not just the production sites.
  • CI/CD Pipelines

  • Web Hooks
    Use it to update website with code commits to the repo. Fire off automated smoke testing or security scans, etc.
  • Built-in CI/CD
    Every application container has basic CI/CD functionality built-in to update the application and trigger events.
  • 3rd-party CI/CD tools
    Easily integrate with any internal CI/CD tools and build custom pipelines.
  • Jenkins
    Run your CI/CD pipelines on an externally hosted Jenkins.
  • Github Actions
    Integrate with pipelines running on Github Actions.
  • Gitlab CI/CD
    Call Gitlab CI/CD directly on every commit to your Gitlab repo.
  • BitBucket Pipelines
    Easiest CI/CD option for organizations using BitBucket repos for their code.
  • Circle CI
    Another popular external CI/CD applications that can be used with your project.
  • Bamboo
    An atlassian CI/CD tool that integrates well with other Atlassian tools.
  • Infrastructure

  • Cloud Link
    Connect your own cloud provider to your DevPanel account and then deploy your sites to it.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
    Fully customizable infrastructure. Deploy and manage as many resources as you need.
  • Cloud Native (Kubernetes) Clusters
    Core infrastruture is build around Kubernetes. If your application can be containerized, you can run it on your cluster.
  • Serverless
    Serverless means that you are not managing any servers. Your infrastructure providers manages any/all servers involved in hosting your sites.
  • Auto-Scaling Clusters
    The cluster grows and shrinks based on the number of sites (and the size of sites) that you're running. Manages resources efficiently and maximizes cost savings.
  • Auto-Healing Infrastructure
    All resources in your account are "managed" so if a resource goes down, it's automatically and seamlessly replaced by another. In high-availability configurations, multiple copies of each resource is deployed to provide redundancy.
  • DDoS protection
    DDoS protection is provided through a CDN integration.
  • Cost optimized
    All your sites run in your account. You pay your cloud provider directly and you pay only for what you use. No middle man.
  • 99.9% - 99.99% Guaranteed Uptime
    DevPanel infrastructure uses all "managed" resources that by default come with high up-time by default. For high-availability, your infrastructure can also be configured with redundencies.
  • Fully Customizable
    Add and remove resources. Configure resources to specific requirements. Customize auto-scaling parameters. Add redundancy for higher availability.
  • Compliance Compatibility

  • GRPR
    GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a EU regulation ensuring privacy and control over personal data.
  • CCPA
    CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) grants California consumers control over their personal data and mandates businesses to disclose data collection practices.
    PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) outlines security requirements for organizations handling credit card transactions. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • SOC
    SOC (Service Organization Control) defines criteria for managing and securing data processed by service organizations. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • ISO
    ISO (International Organization for Standardization) develops and publishes international standards for various management systems. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • Fed Ramp
    FedRAMP is a U.S. government initiative that standardizes the security assessment of cloud products and services. Contact us to discuss your project.
    HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) governs the protection of sensitive health information to ensure privacy and security. Contact us to discuss your project.
    FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) safeguards the privacy of student education records. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • Cost Savings

  • Auto-scaling clusters
    Auto-scaling clusters save money by dynamically adjusting resources based on demand, preventing over-provisioning.
  • Use spot instances
    Spot instances let you save up to 90% over on-demand resources.
  • Auto-pause dev environments
    Auto-pausing dev environments conserves resources during inactivity, reducing hosting expenses.
  • Pay your cloud provider directly
    Save money by avoiding paying the middle-men.
  • Integrations

  • Cloud Link
    Connect your own cloud provider to your DevPanel account and then deploy your sites to it.
  • Web Hooks
    Use it to update website with code commits to the repo. Fire off automated smoke testing or security scans, etc.
  • CDN & WAF Integration
    Integrate with any Content Delivery Network and Web Application Firewall (eg: CloudFlare, Akamai, CloudFront, etc.)
  • Git Provider Integration
    Pre-integrate with Github, Gitlab, and BitBucket.
  • APM Systems
    Use any Application Performance Monitoring system of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Jaeger, Prometheus, Grafana)
  • 3rd party CI/CD Apps
    Use any continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment tools. (eg: Jenkins, Circle CI, Travis CI, Gitlab CI, Github Actions, Bamboo, BitBucket Pipelines, etc.)
  • Automated Testing
    Automate smoke testing with Cypress, Selenium, etc.
  • Log Management
    Use any log management system of your choice (eg: Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK Stack, etc.)
  • Observability and anomaly detection
    Use any Observability tools of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, etc.)
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
    Monitor the network with IDS apps (eg: Aqua, DataDog, Falco, etc.)
  • Container Security Scanning
    Automatically scans containers for malware and viruses.
  • 3rd party Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration
    Use SSO to grant and revoke project access with a few clicks. No SSH keys to manage.
  • Services

  • Personalized Onboarding
    Online set up and custom configuration of your projects plus training for your entire team.
  • Managed Site Migrations
    DevPanel team will migrate your sites over from your current platform with close to zero downtime.
  • Custom Integrations
    Integrate with any third party tool with APIs and Webhooks. Manage ports and firewall. Use scripts and cron jobs.
  • Custom Deployments
    Set up your own deployment pipeline, tools, and controls.
  • No Limits

  • Git repos
    Connect unlimited git repos from Github, Gitlab, and Bit Bucket.
  • Applications
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • Production sites
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • Dev, Test, Stage sites
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • 3rd Party Tools & Integrations
    Integrate with any 3rd-party tools using Webhooks.
  • Pageviews
    We want you to succeed! There's no limit on pageviews.
  • Unique Visitors
    The more visitors, the better. There's no penalty or limits on visitors.
  • Git Provider

  • Github
    Full git integration with Github. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Github Actions.
  • Gitlab
    Full git integration with Gitlab. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Gitlab CI/CD.
  • Bit Bucket
    Full git integration with Bit Bucket. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Pipelines.
  • Custom Git provider
    Restrict access to your private / enterprise Git repository.
  • Storage

  • Persistent Volumes (Kubernetes PVS)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Block Storage (HDD, SSD, EBS, etc.)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Object Storage (eg: S3 Buckets)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Network Storage (eg: NFS, EFS)
    Add-on / optional integration.
  • System Security

  • Built-in Single Sign-on (SSO)
    Use SSO to grant and revoke project access with a few clicks. No SSH keys to manage.
  • Log Management
    Use any log management system of your choice (eg: Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK Stack, etc.)
  • Observability and anomaly detection
    Use any Observability tools of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, etc.)
  • Code Scanners
    Release clean code and prevent supply chain attacks, detect and stop malware before release.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerts
    Monitor and track auto-scaling activities and get alerts on infrastructure changes.
  • Custom Monitoring and Alerts
    Monitor and track traffic and system load and alerts on system performance.
  • Container Security Scanning
    Automatically scans containers for malware and viruses.
  • Hardened Images
    Use CIS Hardened Images for compliance and better security.
  • Private Container Registries
    Restrict the source of container images to your own trusted container registry.
  • 3rd party Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration
    Integrate with your SSO provider. (eg: OKTA, Ping, AD, etc.)
  • Backups

  • Manual (on-demand)
    Create and download application / site backups on-demand.
  • Automated (scheduled)
    Schedule application / site backups and retain them for 30 days.
  • Custom Backup Retention Policy
    Retain automated backups for longer periods - often for compliance to regulations.
  • Backup Security Scanning
    Regularly scan backups for data integrity and run malware checks.
  • Application Support

  • Drupal
    Drupal is a flexible and robust content management system (CMS) for building and managing websites.
  • Drupal Multi-site
    Drupal Multi-site allows creation and management of multiple websites from a single Drupal codebase.
  • Drupal Commerce
    Drupal Commerce is a Drupal distro for building e-commerce websites with powerful and customizable features.
  • Backdrop
    Backdrop is a user-friendly CMS forked from Drupal 7. It offers simplicity without sacrificing flexibility.
  • WordPress
    WordPress is a widely-used and user-friendly CMS for creating blogs, websites, and online applications.
  • WordPress Multi-site
    WordPress Multi-site is a WordPress feature enabling the management of multiple websites from a single WordPress installation.
  • Woo Commerce
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin for adding e-commerce functionality to websites, making it easy to sell products.
  • Joomla
    Joomla is an open-source CMS with a focus on extensibility and user-friendly content management.
  • SilverStripe
    SilverStripe is a PHP-based CMS and framework offering a customizable and intuitive web development experience.
  • Magento
    Magento is an e-commerce platform providing a robust and scalable solution for online businesses.
  • CiviCRM
    CiviCRM is an open-source CRM system tailored for the unique needs of non-profit organizations and civic sector entities.
  • OpenSocial
    OpenSocial is a platform for building online communities and social networking sites with customizable features and integrations.
  • Opigno
    Opigno is a open-source Learning Management System (LMS) used for online training and courses. It is based on Drupal.
  • Strapi
    Strapi is a "Headless CMS" offering developers a customizable, API-centric approach for flexible and scalable content management.
  • De-coupled / Headless Applications
    A decoupled or headless application separates the frontend and backend for increased flexibility in development and deployment.
  • Prebuilt Application Templates
    Application templates that are generally available for use on DevPanel.
  • Custom Applications
    Any application - as long as it can be containerized and run on Kubernetes.
  • Custom Application Templates
    Custom templates specifically designed for your organization and only available to you.
  • Stacks, Frameworks, and Languages

  • PHP
    PHP: A server-side scripting language commonly used for web development, known for its ease of integration and broad community support.
  • Symphony
    Symfony: A PHP web application framework that follows the MVC pattern, providing reusable components and enhancing development efficiency.
  • Laravel
    Laravel: A PHP web application framework known for elegant syntax, developer-friendly tools, and modern MVC architecture.
  • Node.js
    Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, allowing server-side execution and enabling scalable and fast network applications.
  • Python
    Python: A versatile and high-level programming language emphasizing readability, widely used for web development, data science, and automation.
  • React.js
    React.js: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook, with a focus on component-based and declarative UI design.
  • Gatsby
    Gatsby is a JS framework for creating a light weight headless website. You need to pair it with a CMS to manage your content.
  • Django
    Django: A high-level Python web framework that follows the MVC pattern, promoting rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  • Ruby on Rails
    Ruby on Rails: A web application framework written in Ruby, emphasizing convention over configuration and rapid development.
  • Vue.js
    Vue.js: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, offering a flexible and approachable design.
  • Next.js
    Next.js: A React-based framework for building server-rendered React applications with easy deployment and enhanced developer experience.
  • Hugo
    Hugo: A static site generator written in Go, enabling the rapid creation of websites with simplicity, speed, and extensibility.
  • Go
    Go: A statically typed, compiled programming language designed for simplicity and efficiency in building scalable and reliable software.
  • Self-Service Application Operations

  • Provisioning
    Set up and configure the necessary infrastructure, resources, and dependencies for a web application to run.
  • Application builds (on any branch)
    Build, compile and assemble the source code to create functioning application. It allows you to develop and test the code from any branch in your git repo.
  • Branch and Application cloning
    Creating duplicate copies of branches or entire applications for testing, development, or deployment purposes.
  • Deployments
    Automates release and installation of new versions of your application onto a cluster or server.
  • Branching
    Using your git repo, you can create separate lines of development to work on features or fixes independently.
  • Cloning
    Duplicates an existing application to create an independent copy for various purposes such as development or testing.
  • Auto-Pausing
    Automatically suspends or halts unused dev environments and resources to save costs and maximize savings.
  • Locking
    Restrict access, modifications, and deletion to certain resources, branches, or applications to prevent unauthorized access or accidental deletions.
  • Sharing
    Allows collaborative access to resources, code, or features among team members or stakeholders.
  • Scaling (vertical and horizontal)
    Allows collaborative access to resources, code, or features among team members or stakeholders.
  • Backups (manual and automated)
    Create manual and automated copies of data, configurations, or the entire application to safeguard against data loss, system failures, or disasters.
  • Application restores
    Restore apps from backups.
  • Automated imports
    Scripts to import apps from other platforms.

Business Plan

Starting at


Custom configuration
  • Support

  • Community Support
    Get support over Slack from other users and support staff. Perfect for developers.
  • Standard Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for urgent issues. Standard business hours for everything else.
  • Premium Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for all issues. Work with developers directly.
  • SLA Custom Support
    Avail 24x7. Quick response for all issues. Dedicated support contacts. SLA for regulatory compliance.
  • Platform

  • Unlimited hits
    Don't worry about the number of hits to your website. We want you to get more hits.
  • Unlimited storage
    Pay for what you use. Start small and increase your storage as needed.
  • Unlimited Applications
    Create and manage as many applications and websites as you want.
  • Unlimited Unique Visitors
    Never worry about your hosting costs going up based on the number of visitors to your site. We want you to have more visitors.
  • Unlimited Pageviews
    Who doesn't like more pageviews.
  • Unlmtd Production Sites
    Create as many live sites as you like. Only the size of your infra limits the number and size of your sites.
  • Unlmtd Dev, Test, Stage
    Spin up as many dev, test and staging environments as you need. Only the size of your infra limits the number and size of your sites.
  • Unlmtd 3rd Party Tools
    Integrate with any and all 3rd party tools. There's no premium to pay.
  • Unlmtd Integrations
    Create and manage as many applications and websites as you want.
  • Single Node Cluster
    ONE node (server) cluster. Great for a few non mission critical sites.
  • Fixed Size Infra.
    Fix the number of nodes (servers) in your cluster. Ensures a fixed monthly hosting bill.
  • Auto-Scaling Infra.
    Change the number of nodes (servers) in your cluster dynamically based on traffic and load. Increases availability, prevents crashes, and saves costs.
  • Custom Infrastructure
    For larger sites, fleet of sites, and sites with many integrations or compliance requirements.
  • Development and Production Environments

  • Cloud Based Dev Envs.
    Instant one-click development environments in the cloud with all the tools. No headaches of dealing with local dev environments.
  • Browser based dev tools
    Composer, Drush, WP-CLI, PhpMyAdmin, Code Server, etc. All are pre-installed and pre-configured in every cloud dev environment.
  • Cloud IDE included free
    Full VS Code IDE in a browser so you don't need a local dev environment. Great for pair programming. Super easy to switch projects.
  • VS Code (browser based)
    Full VS Code IDE in a browser so you don't need a local dev environment. Great for pair programming. Super easy to switch projects.
  • Teams and Collaborators
    Invite other developers, contractors and clients to collaborate on projects. Grant and revoke access with a few clicks. No SSH Keys to manage.
  • Multidev Cloud Env
    Have multiple developers work on each project. Each developer can create their own environment or multiple developers can work on pre-defined branches.
  • Central Dashboard
    Single pane of glass for all your work. Manage projects, branches, applications and deployments all from one dashboard.
  • Isolated Workspaces
    Works with your git provider. No need to change how your code is currently managed.
  • Git Integration
    Works with your git provider. No need to change how your code is currently managed.
  • CI/CD Pipelines
    Use the built-in deployment automation or integrate with your own deployment tools.
  • Integrated Composer
    Composer2 and even Composer1 are pre-installed in every dev environment.
  • Quick Start Templates
    Use pre-built templates and distros or create your own to use as starting points for future projects.
  • PhpMyAdmin (for MySQL)
    Manage your database straight from the browser.
  • Security Controls
    Lock and unlock your site with a few clicks. Prevent search bots and others from viewing your dev site without the proper credentials.
  • Auto URL
    Each dev, test, stage, prod site gets a randomly generated obfuscated URL that can be shared with your team for them to preview the site.
  • Auto SSL (LetsEncrypt)
    Get Free LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates with a few clicks. DevPanel automatically renews them for you.
  • Custom Domains
    Attach custom domains to any application (eg: dev, test, stage, etc.) - not just the production sites.
  • CI/CD Pipelines

  • Web Hooks
    Use it to update website with code commits to the repo. Fire off automated smoke testing or security scans, etc.
  • Built-in CI/CD
    Every application container has basic CI/CD functionality built-in to update the application and trigger events.
  • 3rd-party CI/CD tools
    Easily integrate with any internal CI/CD tools and build custom pipelines.
  • Jenkins
    Run your CI/CD pipelines on an externally hosted Jenkins.
  • Github Actions
    Integrate with pipelines running on Github Actions.
  • Gitlab CI/CD
    Call Gitlab CI/CD directly on every commit to your Gitlab repo.
  • BitBucket Pipelines
    Easiest CI/CD option for organizations using BitBucket repos for their code.
  • Circle CI
    Another popular external CI/CD applications that can be used with your project.
  • Bamboo
    An atlassian CI/CD tool that integrates well with other Atlassian tools.
  • Infrastructure

  • Cloud Link
    Connect your own cloud provider to your DevPanel account and then deploy your sites to it.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
    Fully customizable infrastructure. Deploy and manage as many resources as you need.
  • Cloud Native (Kubernetes) Clusters
    Core infrastruture is build around Kubernetes. If your application can be containerized, you can run it on your cluster.
  • Serverless
    Serverless means that you are not managing any servers. Your infrastructure providers manages any/all servers involved in hosting your sites.
  • Auto-Scaling Clusters
    The cluster grows and shrinks based on the number of sites (and the size of sites) that you're running. Manages resources efficiently and maximizes cost savings.
  • Auto-Healing Infrastructure
    All resources in your account are "managed" so if a resource goes down, it's automatically and seamlessly replaced by another. In high-availability configurations, multiple copies of each resource is deployed to provide redundancy.
  • DDoS protection
    DDoS protection is provided through a CDN integration.
  • Cost optimized
    All your sites run in your account. You pay your cloud provider directly and you pay only for what you use. No middle man.
  • 99.9% - 99.99% Guaranteed Uptime
    DevPanel infrastructure uses all "managed" resources that by default come with high up-time by default. For high-availability, your infrastructure can also be configured with redundencies.
  • Fully Customizable
    Add and remove resources. Configure resources to specific requirements. Customize auto-scaling parameters. Add redundancy for higher availability.
  • Compliance Compatibility

  • GRPR
    GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a EU regulation ensuring privacy and control over personal data.
  • CCPA
    CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) grants California consumers control over their personal data and mandates businesses to disclose data collection practices.
    PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) outlines security requirements for organizations handling credit card transactions. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • SOC
    SOC (Service Organization Control) defines criteria for managing and securing data processed by service organizations. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • ISO
    ISO (International Organization for Standardization) develops and publishes international standards for various management systems. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • Fed Ramp
    FedRAMP is a U.S. government initiative that standardizes the security assessment of cloud products and services. Contact us to discuss your project.
    HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) governs the protection of sensitive health information to ensure privacy and security. Contact us to discuss your project.
    FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) safeguards the privacy of student education records. Contact us to discuss your project.
  • Cost Savings

  • Auto-scaling clusters
    Auto-scaling clusters save money by dynamically adjusting resources based on demand, preventing over-provisioning.
  • Use spot instances
    Spot instances let you save up to 90% over on-demand resources.
  • Auto-pause dev environments
    Auto-pausing dev environments conserves resources during inactivity, reducing hosting expenses.
  • Pay your cloud provider directly
    Save money by avoiding paying the middle-men.
  • Integrations

  • Cloud Link
    Connect your own cloud provider to your DevPanel account and then deploy your sites to it.
  • Web Hooks
    Use it to update website with code commits to the repo. Fire off automated smoke testing or security scans, etc.
  • CDN & WAF Integration
    Integrate with any Content Delivery Network and Web Application Firewall (eg: CloudFlare, Akamai, CloudFront, etc.)
  • Git Provider Integration
    Pre-integrate with Github, Gitlab, and BitBucket.
  • APM Systems
    Use any Application Performance Monitoring system of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Jaeger, Prometheus, Grafana)
  • 3rd party CI/CD Apps
    Use any continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment tools. (eg: Jenkins, Circle CI, Travis CI, Gitlab CI, Github Actions, Bamboo, BitBucket Pipelines, etc.)
  • Automated Testing
    Automate smoke testing with Cypress, Selenium, etc.
  • Log Management
    Use any log management system of your choice (eg: Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK Stack, etc.)
  • Observability and anomaly detection
    Use any Observability tools of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, etc.)
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
    Monitor the network with IDS apps (eg: Aqua, DataDog, Falco, etc.)
  • Container Security Scanning
    Automatically scans containers for malware and viruses.
  • 3rd party Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration
    Use SSO to grant and revoke project access with a few clicks. No SSH keys to manage.
  • Services

  • Personalized Onboarding
    Online set up and custom configuration of your projects plus training for your entire team.
  • Managed Site Migrations
    DevPanel team will migrate your sites over from your current platform with close to zero downtime.
  • Custom Integrations
    Integrate with any third party tool with APIs and Webhooks. Manage ports and firewall. Use scripts and cron jobs.
  • Custom Deployments
    Set up your own deployment pipeline, tools, and controls.
  • No Limits

  • Git repos
    Connect unlimited git repos from Github, Gitlab, and Bit Bucket.
  • Applications
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • Production sites
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • Dev, Test, Stage sites
    Create as many applications as you want for development, testing, staging, and production.
  • 3rd Party Tools & Integrations
    Integrate with any 3rd-party tools using Webhooks.
  • Pageviews
    We want you to succeed! There's no limit on pageviews.
  • Unique Visitors
    The more visitors, the better. There's no penalty or limits on visitors.
  • Git Provider

  • Github
    Full git integration with Github. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Github Actions.
  • Gitlab
    Full git integration with Gitlab. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Gitlab CI/CD.
  • Bit Bucket
    Full git integration with Bit Bucket. Supports tokens, webhooks, and Pipelines.
  • Custom Git provider
    Restrict access to your private / enterprise Git repository.
  • Storage

  • Persistent Volumes (Kubernetes PVS)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Block Storage (HDD, SSD, EBS, etc.)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Object Storage (eg: S3 Buckets)
    Offered as core functionality with DevPanel.
  • Network Storage (eg: NFS, EFS)
    Add-on / optional integration.
  • System Security

  • Built-in Single Sign-on (SSO)
    Use SSO to grant and revoke project access with a few clicks. No SSH keys to manage.
  • Log Management
    Use any log management system of your choice (eg: Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK Stack, etc.)
  • Observability and anomaly detection
    Use any Observability tools of your choice (eg: New Relic, Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, etc.)
  • Code Scanners
    Release clean code and prevent supply chain attacks, detect and stop malware before release.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerts
    Monitor and track auto-scaling activities and get alerts on infrastructure changes.
  • Custom Monitoring and Alerts
    Monitor and track traffic and system load and alerts on system performance.
  • Container Security Scanning
    Automatically scans containers for malware and viruses.
  • Hardened Images
    Use CIS Hardened Images for compliance and better security.
  • Private Container Registries
    Restrict the source of container images to your own trusted container registry.
  • 3rd party Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration
    Integrate with your SSO provider. (eg: OKTA, Ping, AD, etc.)
  • Backups

  • Manual (on-demand)
    Create and download application / site backups on-demand.
  • Automated (scheduled)
    Schedule application / site backups and retain them for 30 days.
  • Custom Backup Retention Policy
    Retain automated backups for longer periods - often for compliance to regulations.
  • Backup Security Scanning
    Regularly scan backups for data integrity and run malware checks.
  • Application Support

  • Drupal
    Drupal is a flexible and robust content management system (CMS) for building and managing websites.
  • Drupal Multi-site
    Drupal Multi-site allows creation and management of multiple websites from a single Drupal codebase.
  • Drupal Commerce
    Drupal Commerce is a Drupal distro for building e-commerce websites with powerful and customizable features.
  • Backdrop
    Backdrop is a user-friendly CMS forked from Drupal 7. It offers simplicity without sacrificing flexibility.
  • WordPress
    WordPress is a widely-used and user-friendly CMS for creating blogs, websites, and online applications.
  • WordPress Multi-site
    WordPress Multi-site is a WordPress feature enabling the management of multiple websites from a single WordPress installation.
  • Woo Commerce
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin for adding e-commerce functionality to websites, making it easy to sell products.
  • Joomla
    Joomla is an open-source CMS with a focus on extensibility and user-friendly content management.
  • SilverStripe
    SilverStripe is a PHP-based CMS and framework offering a customizable and intuitive web development experience.
  • Magento
    Magento is an e-commerce platform providing a robust and scalable solution for online businesses.
  • CiviCRM
    CiviCRM is an open-source CRM system tailored for the unique needs of non-profit organizations and civic sector entities.
  • OpenSocial
    OpenSocial is a platform for building online communities and social networking sites with customizable features and integrations.
  • Opigno
    Opigno is a open-source Learning Management System (LMS) used for online training and courses. It is based on Drupal.
  • Strapi
    Strapi is a "Headless CMS" offering developers a customizable, API-centric approach for flexible and scalable content management.
  • De-coupled / Headless Applications
    A decoupled or headless application separates the frontend and backend for increased flexibility in development and deployment.
  • Prebuilt Application Templates
    Application templates that are generally available for use on DevPanel.
  • Custom Applications
    Any application - as long as it can be containerized and run on Kubernetes.
  • Custom Application Templates
    Custom templates specifically designed for your organization and only available to you.
  • Stacks, Frameworks, and Languages

  • PHP
    PHP: A server-side scripting language commonly used for web development, known for its ease of integration and broad community support.
  • Symphony
    Symfony: A PHP web application framework that follows the MVC pattern, providing reusable components and enhancing development efficiency.
  • Laravel
    Laravel: A PHP web application framework known for elegant syntax, developer-friendly tools, and modern MVC architecture.
  • Node.js
    Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, allowing server-side execution and enabling scalable and fast network applications.
  • Python
    Python: A versatile and high-level programming language emphasizing readability, widely used for web development, data science, and automation.
  • React.js
    React.js: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook, with a focus on component-based and declarative UI design.
  • Gatsby
    Gatsby is a JS framework for creating a light weight headless website. You need to pair it with a CMS to manage your content.
  • Django
    Django: A high-level Python web framework that follows the MVC pattern, promoting rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  • Ruby on Rails
    Ruby on Rails: A web application framework written in Ruby, emphasizing convention over configuration and rapid development.
  • Vue.js
    Vue.js: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, offering a flexible and approachable design.
  • Next.js
    Next.js: A React-based framework for building server-rendered React applications with easy deployment and enhanced developer experience.
  • Hugo
    Hugo: A static site generator written in Go, enabling the rapid creation of websites with simplicity, speed, and extensibility.
  • Go
    Go: A statically typed, compiled programming language designed for simplicity and efficiency in building scalable and reliable software.
  • Self-Service Application Operations

  • Provisioning
    Set up and configure the necessary infrastructure, resources, and dependencies for a web application to run.
  • Application builds (on any branch)
    Build, compile and assemble the source code to create functioning application. It allows you to develop and test the code from any branch in your git repo.
  • Branch and Application cloning
    Creating duplicate copies of branches or entire applications for testing, development, or deployment purposes.
  • Deployments
    Automates release and installation of new versions of your application onto a cluster or server.
  • Branching
    Using your git repo, you can create separate lines of development to work on features or fixes independently.
  • Cloning
    Duplicates an existing application to create an independent copy for various purposes such as development or testing.
  • Auto-Pausing
    Automatically suspends or halts unused dev environments and resources to save costs and maximize savings.
  • Locking
    Restrict access, modifications, and deletion to certain resources, branches, or applications to prevent unauthorized access or accidental deletions.
  • Sharing
    Allows collaborative access to resources, code, or features among team members or stakeholders.
  • Scaling (vertical and horizontal)
    Allows collaborative access to resources, code, or features among team members or stakeholders.
  • Backups (manual and automated)
    Create manual and automated copies of data, configurations, or the entire application to safeguard against data loss, system failures, or disasters.
  • Application restores
    Restore apps from backups.
  • Automated imports
    Scripts to import apps from other platforms.

How hosting works.

You get an account with a cloud provider, for example, AWS or Digital Ocean, and you connect it with your DevPanel account. DevPanel creates infrastructure in that account and then manages all your sites in that account for you. If you opt for a fixed scale cluster, you can expect to pay fixed monthly fees. If you opt for an auto-scaling cluster, expect that your bill will go up and down (slightly) based on the traffic and load to your sites. 

How support works.

DevPanel functionality is supported 100% 24×7. If there’s ever a problem with DevPanel, we will resolve it ASAP – at no cost to you.

Your application’s functionality is dependent on what you push out to production. If you push out bad code, then your application will break. Our platform has built-in tools to help you roll back from bad deployments. But, if you still need our help to manually fix a bad deployment or a broken application, then you can pay us (or our partners) to jump in and help out – 24×7.

DevPanel hosts your sites in your own cloud provider account. You can also highly customize these hosting environments. Depending on the level of customization, and the number of integrations, we may, in some cases, recommend that you purchase additional support from other vendors for your mission critical applications.