Disaster Recovery (DR)

Minimize downtime and data loss. Use AWS Disaster Recovery (AWS DR) and AWS Site Recovery to automate and simplify the set up and management of a disaster recovery system.

Automatic Backups

Protect your applications against hacking, accidents, and failures. Set up “Manual” and “Automatic” backups of your application’s code, configuration, static files, and database.

Managed Infrastructure

Focus on your business not system maintenance. No more getting out of bed at 2am to fix system issues. Improve scalability, flexibility, reliability, and security with AWS managed infrastructure.

Dev, Test, Live workflow

Create as many Dev, Test, and Live sites as you need. Use Gitlow. Set up Master, Develop, Feature, Release, and Hotfix branches. Spin up apps in minutes on any branch.

Preview Environments

Use “preview environments” to see your work as you develop. No committing and rebuilding. Test as you go, share preview URLs with your testers and with customers for acceptance testing.

Cloud Dev Environments (CDE)

Deploy any branch of your application in minutes in a Cloud Dev Environment. Fully browser-based, so laptops to lug around. Can easily be cloned and shared in a few clicks.